The Sinister Steel Motorcycle Association was founded in February 2008. The Association was started by a core group of family members and friends who shared a common interest in motorcycles and the enjoyment of the open road and the joy of sharing the experience with other riding enthusiasts. Our membership does not discriminate and covers a wide range of people in both age, genders, races and profession, riding many different brands and styles of motorcycle. All are quality safety-minded people who share a positive attitude and a passion for riding. We are dedicated to promoting a positive image of motorcycling, as well as enjoyment of the sport on virtually every level of activity.
SSMA is a Sanctioned Charter Club of the American Motorcycle Association. (AMA) We support the efforts of AMA to pursue, promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the rights, interests and the future of motorcycling. We support all efforts to help make New Jersey a safer and better place to ride by raising motorcycle awareness to all motorists.
We support the efforts of state and national motorcyclist organizations such as:
● American Motorcyclist Association
● Motorcycle Safety Foundation
● We also support events for Our Veterans, First Responders, and Charity Events
Sinister Steel Motorcycle Association is a “neutral” family organization that claims no territory or allegiances with any other motorcycle Associations.
We always welcome new friends and members who share our enjoyment of riding in the wind. Email us at tweetie4@optonline.net or Sinistersteelma@mail.com for more information. Also, please check our WIX page at https://sinistersteelma.wixsite.com/sinistersteelmotorcy. If interested in joining, please reach out to us anytime.
Thank you from Our SSMA Officers
President - Robert "BRONCO" Shelley
Vice President - Steven "WOLFPACK" Weston
Treasurer - Jill "BEAN" Shelley
Secretary - Lori "PURPLE HAZE" Tylicki
Sergeant at Arms - Dave "PAPPY" Ragan
Road Captains - Dave “CHEWIE” Tylicki
Consigliere - Al "GRAVEYARD" Wadiak